It's almost Spring! My maple tree out front is budding, birds are singing outside my bedroom window before the sun rises, and I've seen more rabbits in the past few days than patches of snow. It's almost my birthday, which forecasters are promising will be a balmy seventy degrees, our warmest day yet this year. Ostara is coming up quickly, so there's lots of work to be done prepping the garden soil and sowing the seeds in their little egg cartons to wait for the last frost.
Most Pagans who follow the Wheel of the Year consider Samhain to be their New Year, but for me it will always be Imbolc. Spring is a time of such energy for me! I'm always getting new ideas for projects and life goals; so like many who make New Year's resolutions, I often find myself biting off a bit more than I can chew. This year, I'll be starting a garden and having a baby, so there's already a lot to do! But, under the sway of spring as I am, I have added one more goal to this year's list - to gently steer my solitary Pagan path in the direction of community.

Ideally, I want to find a local group with kid-friendly circles, so my daughters will have the kind of faith community I had growing up - but Pagan instead of Christian. There are some local circles to check out, which I'm quite excited to do! I also want to add another dimension to my experience of Paganism. Having been a solitary for ten years now, I feel like I've grown as far as I can without any kind of challenge or collaboration. The time may come when I will once again prefer to be a solitary; but at this point in my life, I need to branch out and experience the larger world around me.
This blog will largely be for recording my journey for community; but I'm sure plenty of other things will pop in! I'll also discuss being a Pagan parent (with a special focus on pregnancy and birth these next few months), my learning attempts at kitchen and garden magick, and my personal faith as it continues to evolve. I am also planning to participate in the
Pagan Blog Project for 2012 to help keep this blog on track - so look for weekly updates.
Thank you for reading!
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