Wednesday, May 13, 2015

New Blog at Patheos!

I may have forgotten to make my formal announcement here, but I'm sure you regular followers have noticed by now that the tone of my posts has changed somewhat over the last few days!

I am proud to say that I have been asked to write a blog on Patheos Pagan, Heathen at Heart.  I'll be doing my blog writing and posting over there from now on, with all the usual information, bits and bobs of ritual and prayer, and personal reflection that you've grown used to from me.  You can also follow me on Facebook or Twitter if those are easier!

I will keep this blog up as a resource, as I have devoted a fair few years to it at this point.  In addition, since it was originally begun as a blog to record my Dedicant's Path progress, I will continue to use it as a journal as I pursue further ADF study programs - which is why you're seeing all the rune stuff lately.

I hope you'll all come with me on this new adventure - I have so enjoyed writing over the past years, and I hope it has contributed to the lives of others in some way.  Thank you all!

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